BAs need to utilize various types of documents, depending on the specific company or project. In the link below, I've compiled a collection of commonly used documents and reference materials: https://www.tankbaclass.com/file-share
Here's a breakdown of the content and purpose of each file:
01. [Sample] SRS_project_version.docx: This document provides a detailed description of the software requirements and objectives. In this sample, I've included sections for high-level requirements, use case specifications, and mockups.
02. [Sample] NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS_Project_version.xlsx: This document outlines non-functional requirements. It describes requirements related to performance, reliability, security, scalability, and other aspects that are not directly related to the software's functionality. The document includes examples for each type of requirement. Note: The number and content of these requirements will vary depending on the project.
03. [Template] URD_Project_version.doc: This is a User Requirement Document (URD) template. It describes user requirements for the system's features. BAs often use this document to manage and store requirements gathered from users. It serves as the basis for analysis and creating the SRS document.
04. [Sample] Project_Function list_version.xlsx: This document lists the required functions of the system. It usually appears during the function design phase or the bidding stage of a project.
05. [Template] RequirementTraceability_project_version.xlsx: This document helps manage requirement changes. The main purpose of a Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) is to ensure that all requirements are tracked and verified for implementation throughout the software development process. Additionally, the RTM describes the links between requirements and requirement documents. For example, it might show that UC001 is related to UC014. RTMs are very useful for impact analysis and root cause analysis
06. [Document] BABOK_Guide_v3_Member.pdf: This is an academic document about the BA profession, provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), a leading professional association in the field of business analysis. The BABOK Guide defines the concepts, skills, tools, and techniques required to perform BA tasks.
07. [Document] Scrum-Guide-Vietnamese-2020.pdf: This is the Vietnamese version of the official Scrum Guide written and provided by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, the creators of Scrum. It offers guidance on the Scrum framework. This is the official and most up-to-date document on Scrum, describing its principles, processes, and roles.
08. [Document] Scrum-Guide-US-2020.pdf: English version.
09. [Reference] Glossary.xlsx: This document is a compilation of terms commonly used in the BA profession and software development projects, created by myself and my students.